Future Plan

• The development of mobile phone business will be organized press-conference, seminar. Symposium, mobile phone fair & award giving ceremony.
• Establishment of training center: To skill the businessmen on mobile phone technology modern technology baized training center would be establish.
• Establishment of library and information center: Establish rich library regarding information & technology and information center will be established that will be enriched with exclusive books on mobile phone, journal, magazine, CD etc.
• Increasing the number of mobile users: we will take all initiatives so that the users of mobile phone increase. Because if the number of mobile phone users are increase then the mobile business will increase.
• Establishment of mobility: mobility is the users of mobile phone, rules and regulation etc. the subscribers are suffering from different kinds of problems as there is no rules and regulation of mobile users. In this field will take initiative to make rules & regulation in co-operation with mobile phone operator, subscribers, respective authorities and the government.
• A special rules & regulation would be made to detect the fair & unfair businessmen
• For the greater benefit of businessmen, Subscriber and for the national interest, we would involve the all mobile phone businessmen with BMBA.
• The clearance of BMBA is compulsory in the field of giving appointment of outlet, dealer by mobile phone operators.
• BTRC license will be made compulsory for the BMBA member and proper support will be provided from BMBA for obtaining BTRC license for importing mobile handset and accessories and for avoiding illegally importation of the set and its accessories. We have the plan to make compulsory the members of BMBA in the field of appointment of outlet, dealer by the operator.

About Us

A renowned and potential business professional of the land first floated the idea for forming an association of the mobile phone sector that will serve the common pavement for this sector at early the era 2000.
