Aims & Objective

The Association is established on the following aims & objectives.
� To help in business operation, unite, encourage and development of mobile phone businesspeople (trader, importer manufacturer) to join in same platform for achieving the common and ultimate interest.
� To make ensure the favourable environment of business by increasing co-operation and mutual understanding among the mobile businessmen.
� To establish statistical, technological and business related library, use of gazette, business related books. information baized publication for the convenience of related sector.
� Receiving fee and donation, building account in the fairway so that the mobile businessmen can implement their objectives smoothly.
� patronize the member group through giving consultancy and co-operation and other legal support as and when needed.
� To make representation of the government, non government, grab the membership with the federation of Bangladesh chamber of Commerce and industries and other related ICT bodies.
� To take specific initiatives for the benefit of the member of the association for that they implement its respective job smoothly.
� In the field of foreign business, at the necessity of the members, BMBA will take proper initiatives to make ensure the permission, obtain license from concern authority (s) for importing mobile phone set, its accessories and related items.
� To buy , sale, liege, the whole, partial, fixed/current assets of the association.
� To revive the help or donation from partnership organization, other organization, company or society for the benefit of mobile phone businessmen. To try for becoming the subscriber of such types of organization or society under the consideration of association.
� To discuss, promote legislative support to the member group even appointment of legal practitioner to operate legal activities in favor of BMBA and its members
� Bangladesh Mobile Phone Businessmen Association (BMBA) will expend the share stock/security/money for charity of social activities decided by the donor or ib the undecided activities the money will be expended in the security stock or share according to the adopted decision in the general meeting of association..
� The association will also show deep respect to the indecency and sovereignty of our country.
� To provide expert advise to the concern authorities on mobile phone technology and its implication of the economy of the land and even take part the pre budget discussion with specific suggestion for preparing fiscal budget of the country for benevolent of the mobile phone business organizer / group.
� To promote, development, boost-up and effective use of the mobile phone and oppose the misuse of its.
� To do work for the safeguard and interest each and every member of the association.

About Us

A renowned and potential business professional of the land first floated the idea for forming an association of the mobile phone sector that will serve the common pavement for this sector at early the era 2000.
